Capability Enhancement and Life Skills Developement Schemes
Capability Enhancement Programmes of the college include various programmes arranged for the overall development of the students. The institute has these schemes to enhance the capability and holistic development of the students. Following measures / initiatives are taken up from time to time for the same.
1. Soft skills development

The development of soft skill has become important in today's fast growing world. The students of the college are taught communication and to interact at a professional level. Soft skills development classes inculcate ethical attitude towards others and also help in the nurturing of better interpersonal skills. To imbibe these qualities various sessions are organized by the college.
2. Language and communication skills development

English Language training in curriculum
The B.Sc. Nursing curriculum has an English training course in the first year. It is designed to enable students to enhance ability to comprehend spoken and written English required for effective communication in their professional work. Students will practice their skills in verbal and written English during clinical and classroom experience.
3. Yoga and wellness

Yoga is regarded as one of the most effective methods of establishing a connection between the body and mind by Indian sages since time immemorial. It is a type of exercise that is performed through diet, breathing and physical posture for the relaxation of body and mind. This wellness platform hugely contributes in creating stress-free positive environment and healthy way of thinking and living. Yoga trainings are conducted in the college for students and also observe International Yoga Day with yoga sessions by the students every year.
4. Analytical skill development

Nursing research and statistics training in Curriculum
The course aims at developing the scientific attitude from undergraduate level, so that it will formulate a base building strong foundation of research. It will enable the undergraduate student to apply the most appropriate methodology for their research studies. For post graduate students to acquire an understanding of the reserach methodologies and statistical methods and hands on training on data analysis will fully equip them to carry out quality research.
Students participate in the scientific paper presentation which help to grow in the research culture. Reflective practices session are conducted for the students for strengthening analytical skill ability.
5. Human value development

Values are set of principles that people cherish and try to live to enhance the quality of individual and collective life. Human values are the virtues that guide us to take into account the human element when we interact with other human beings. College organizes the various sessions to incalcate values among the students.
6. Personality and professional development

Professional development refers to the continued training and education of an individual in regards to his or her career. The goal of professional development for students is to keep them up-to-date on current trends as well as to help develop new skills for the purpose of advancement in the field.
The college organizes various programmes like guest lectures,providing opportuunity to participate in workshops,competitions etc to enhance the development of the programes every year.
7. Employability skills development

Employability skills are a set of skills and behaviors that are necessary for every job. Employability are the building blocks of students career. Institute organizes programes like BLS, ACLS and CPR & Automated External defribrillation. This program provides opportunity for the students with an emphasis on hands on training.
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