Psychiatric Nursing

Psychiatric nursing, commonly referred to as mental health nursing, is a sub specialty of nursing practice that focuses on providing care to patients suffering from mental health disorders in order to aid in their recovery and enhance their quality of life. The goal of the mental health nursing program is to shape students into mental health nurses who can work in a range of settings, such as community mental health services, acute medical units, psychiatric intensive care units, and child and adolescent mental health services, and who can provide care for people of all ages who are experiencing mental illnesses or distress. Academic offerings include nursing UG and PG programs.
Together with Christ - the mind healer, mental health nursing personnel actively seek for the excellence in nursing education, clinical research and leadership related to mental health needs of individual, family and community.
Raising the dignity of mentally ill through compassionate love and quality care.
- Eminence
- Solicitude
- Trustworthiness
- Espirit-de-corps
- Apply knowledge from behavioral sciences and principles of psychiatric nursing in providing nursing care to the individuals, families and communities.
- Provide promotive preventive and restorative health services in line with the National mental health policies and programmes
Message from HOD

The Department of Psychiatric Nursing is the driving force behind students' advancement towards both their undergraduate and specialty degrees. In the clinical setting, the focus is on helping patients recover from mental health issues and enhance their overall well-being. When addressing a range of issues with patients' differing levels of insight, they employ themselves as a therapeutic tool. Participating in extracurricular activities in the mental health domains aids in the development of their personalities and guides them toward social obligations.
- Sr. Dhanya CHF
HOD, Psychiatric Nursing
Subject placement in Course
Course | Subject | Theory Hour | Practical Hour |
III B.Sc. | Mental Health Nursing | 110 | 360 |
IV B.Sc. | Management of nursing service and administration | 70 | 120 |
I M.Sc. | Mental Health (Psychiatric) Nursing I | 150 | 900 |
II M.Sc. | Mental Health (Psychiatric) Nursing I | 150 | 1450 |


- Sr. Dhanya CHF, HOD, is trained in TOT programme on Moodle (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) from KUHS and certified and also she was certified in Health Science Education Technology in MOOC (massive online course) Platform.
- Sr. Dhanya CHF, HOD, participated in e-paper presentation on faculty Perspective on virtual learning environment in context of covid-19 pandemic in a Webinar conducted by JSS CON Mysore.
- Sr. Dhanya attended Psychiatric faculty training workshop for OSCE in Psychiatric Nursing in MOSC CON Kolenchery.
- Ms. Chinju Raj got 3rd prize in scientific poster competition during TNAI National Biennial Conference 2018, Goa.
- Ms. Chinju Raj got Certificate of appreciation in All India Make my day contest for faculty members heralding the commemoration of World Psychiatric day, 2018.
- An UG Research project "Thai Chi exercise on level of stress regarding the impact of Covid-19 among caregivers of in-patients funded by KSCSTE in the year 2021.
- Ms. Angel Teresa, III B.Sc. student, got 3rd prize of Rs. 1,000 in poster presentation on 2019 Psychiatric day theme "Focus on prevention of Suicide" conducted by Government Hospital, Chalakkudy.
- Organized first international webinar in JMCON by the Department of Psychiatric Nursing as part of World Psychiatric Day in October 2020 on Psychiatric for all, "Greater investment greater access".
- MONOGRAM with audio messages on "Psychiatric in the workplace" in the year 2017.
- Booklet for parents of mentally challenged children were prepared by PG students, 2018
- Participated in an exhibition on "MANASS" in collaboration with department of Clinical Psychology in 2019-20.
- Faculty retreat organized in the year 2017, 2018 and 2019
Special Day celebrations conducted by the Department
Special Days | Students | Faculty |
World Mental Health Day | III B.Sc. | Sr. Dhanya |
World Alzheimer's Day | II B.Sc. | Ms. Mukta Aurelia Tirkey |
Workshops organized by the department
- First international webinar on Mental Health for all, "Greater investment greater access" in 2020.
- Webinar on Nurses a voice to Lead - A vision for future health care as a part of International nurses day 2021.
Ongoing Research
- A study to assess the Effect of Guided Mental Imagery on stress and clinical indicators among patients undergoing hemodialysis
- A study to assess QOL of care givers of mentally ill patient in selected psychiatric hospital, Thrissur.
- A study to assess the anxiety level among family members of children underwent orofacial cleft surgery in JMMC &RI
- Mental health speciality PG study on "Guided Mental Imagery on stress and Clinical indicators among patients undergoing Hemodialysis".
- Departmental study on "Activity Therapy on the level of self esteem among women with mental illness residing in Rehabilitation Centre".
- Mental health nursing UG Study on "Quality of life among caregivers of mentally ill patients".
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