Message from Principal

Greetings to every one.
Jubilee mission college of nursing has the privilege to have a healthy and harmonious ambience and it strongly believes that the nursing students are responsible and accountable to qualify nursing practice, thus they need to be appropriately trained, oriented and directly supervised. Highly qualified and motivated professionals provide the skill and knowledge needed to the students to meet the challenges of today. We are providing outstanding facilities and help the students achieve great success. It is proved through all our Alumni who are placed well all over the world.
The curriculum is planned in a way that all the potentials and the talents of the students are developed to make them full pledged individuals in the society. JMCON demonstrates commitment to research to address the challenges through evidenced based practices.
The global challenges are addressed through the curriculum and assure the high quality students experience and employability.
With CMAI, Nurses League and CNGI, the college works to raise the Nursing education standards in Mission Hospitals.
The College creates nurturing environment and to this end, along with academic and clinical excellence, the spiritual development of the students is emphasized through retreats, Moral classes and community worship so that the institution's motto "service with Love" is internalized.
Dr. Angela Gnanadurai
Jubilee Mission College of Nursing
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