Obstetrical & Gynaecological Nursing

Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing department aims to ensure quality education to the students, in order to provide comprehensive and holistic nursing care to the mother and newborn including women with gynecological problems. Department provides courses in Obstetrical and Gynecological Nursing with theoretical and practical elements to undergraduate and postgraduate students. The students undergoing training in this specialty will be able to acquire overall skill to function as midwives focusing evidence based practice both in the Hospital and Community.
To provide excellence in education by providing advanced knowledge through education, research and advocacy for compassionate care of women and children in ever changing health care environment.
To provide excellence in clinical care, education, research practices and to provide compassionate and collaborative care to meet the needs of women's health.
- Integrity
- Team work
- Honesty
- Continuous improvement
- Mutual respect
Message from HOD

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing has consistent improvement in its academic and research. The curriculum is taught by a distinguished faculty combining academic excellence and real-world experience with dedication and commitment. The curricula are constantly updated to meet the changing requirement of the health care demands. The department provides opportunities for academic and experiential learning for the students in professional and personal growth in times of globalization and rapid educational change.
- Reena Vincent
Details of the Course
Course | Theory Hour | Practical Hour |
IV B.Sc. (N) - Obstetrics and Gynaecology | 130 | 640 |
I M.Sc. (N) | 150 | 900 |
II M.Sc. (N) | 150 | 1450 |

Lab Facilities
- Labour dummies
- Labour simulator
- Mother & newborn maniques
- All article for AN, PN, Labour & gynaecological assessment
- Charts & Models
- IV B.Sc. Nursing students won third prize for cervical cancer awareness campaign.
- IV B.Sc. Nursing students won second prize on Powerpoint presentation competition for women's equity day.
- IV B.Sc. Nursing students won second prize on cancer awareness program "Mega Arogaya Mela", organized at Anthikadu.
- IV B.SC nursing students won First prize for the cancer awareness programme conducted by Thrissur Obstetrics and Gynecologic society, Thrissur
Course | 2022-2023 |
IV B.Sc. | 100% |
I M.Sc. | |
II M.Sc. |
Certificate Programmes
Faculty name | Programme | Year | Offered by |
Prof. Reena Vincent | Onsite Skill Standardization and Simulation training of the capacity building programme for midwifery faculty | 2023 | INC |
Accreditation and outcome based learning conducted by | 2022 | Swayam , NPTEL | |
Introduction to systematic reviews for dental health professionals | 2022 | Swayam , NPTEL | |
Health science education technology (MOOC) | 2021 | KUHS | |
INC capacity building programme | 2020 | INC | |
Sr. Godwin | Training of trainers(ToT) on simulation based education | 2023 | INC |
Scientific Writing in health research | 2022 | Swayam , ICMR | |
Ethics review of health research | 2022 | Swayam , ICMR | |
INC capacity building programme | 2020 | INC | |
Research Methodology | 2021 | Swayam | |
Mrs. Justy Joy | Onsite Skill Standardization and Simulation training of the capacity building programme for midwifery faculty | 2023 | INC |
Scientific Writing in health research | 2023 | Swayam , ICMR | |
TOT (Trainers of Trainee) of MOODLE | 2021 | KUHS | |
Young man and adult counselling programme | 2021 | KUHS |
- Training of B.Sc. and M.Sc. Nursing students to develop knowledge and skill in Obstetrics & Gyneocological Nursing
- Observes International Midwives Day, Breast Feeding Week, Breast Cancer awareness month, Pro-life day, International Womens day, Nurses day, World Health day etc by conducting exhibition, theme presentation, quiz, role play and Health education.
- Conducts continuing nursing education such as departmental journal presentation.
- Participate actively towards promotion of research.
- Procure and monitor utilization of resources, for effective functioning of department.
- Incorporate evidence based Nursing practice and identify the areas of research in the field of obstetrics and gynecological nursing.
- Guides the undergraduates and postgraduates to do research projects.
- Extend professional services to community
- Participates in the college development activities
- Organizes seminars and webinars
- Contribution as a resource person in workshops and seminars
- A study to assess the perspective of e-learning among nursing students in selected nursing college Thrissur.
- International Journal of Nursing Education and Research, Vol.10, Issue 4, Oct-Dec 2022 - A study to assess the quality of life among postmenopausal women in selected wards of JMMC&RI, Thrissur.
- International Journal of Nursing management 11, Vol.11, Issue (01), Jan-Mar2023 - Prof. Reena Vincent, Ms. Justy Joy, Ms. Rasna Simon
Assess the Knowledge, Practice and Perceived Barriers of Screening among Non-Professional Working Women on Prevention of Cervical Cancer in a Tertiary Hospital, Thrissur
- i-manager's Journal on Nursing, 10(4), 23-31, 2021 - Prof. Reena Vincent, Ms. Justy Joy
Adoption - An overview
- Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2020; 8(3):407-410. - Prof. Reena Vincent, Ms. Justy Joy
Effect of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge on preparation of girl for menarche among mothers in selected urban area, Thrissur
- Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2020; 8(4):326-330. - Sr. Tresa Anto & Sr. Godwin
Disordered Breathing and the Regulation of Glucose Metabolism
- Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management.4(1) Jan-March 2016 - Sr. Godwin & Sr. Tresa Anto
Defining Generically genetically modified foods
- Health Action 2015 - Sr. Tresa Anto & Sr. Godwin
Hypothalamo - Pituitary - Adrenal (HPA) Axis and Diabetes
- Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 4(3) July - September 2016 - Ms. Justy Joy
A-Z ways to keep your class interesting
- Health Action - Ms. Justy Joy
A study to evaluate the effectiveness of Dick read method on management of labour pain and anxiety among primigravida mother in K G Hospital, Coimbatore
- Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research 4(2) April-June 2016 - III B.Sc. (N) students, Ms. Justy Joy & Reena Vincent
A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge on iron deficiency anemia and prevention of anemia among adolescent girls in selected higher secondary school, Thrissur
- Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management 10(3) July - September 2022 - Jeenamol C J, Angela Gnanadurai, Reena Vincent, Rose Xavier
A study to assess the effect of skill orientation on practice of breast feeding technique among mothers of preterm babies in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur.
- Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2016; 6(4): 517-522 - Prof. Reena Vincent
Obstetric Triage
- Int. J. Nur. Edu. and Research. 2016; 4(2): 227-230.
Post graduates
- Effect of video assisted teaching on level of knowledge and attitude on human milk banking among women
- A study to assess the effect of progressive muscle relaxation on post cesarean section pain and quality of sleep and physical activity limitation
- A study to assess the effect of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge regarding labour and newborn care among primigravida mothers attending antenatal outpatient department in JMMCH&RI, Thrissur.
- A study to assess the effect of antenatal exercises on outcome of labour among antenatal mothers in Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur.
- A study to assess the effect of warm compress in labour outcome among women during labour in Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur.
- A study to assess the effect of skill orientation on practice of breast feeding technique among mothers of preterm babies in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur.
- A study to assess the effect of structured teaching programme on knowledge and attitude of reproductive tract infection among women attending gynaecology outpatient department in JMMC&RI,Thrissur.
- A study to assess the effect of video assisted teaching on knowledge and practice of preterm care bundle among mothers of preterm babies admitted in NICU, Jubilee Mission Medical College & Research Institute, Thrissur
- A study to assess the effect of video assisted teaching on knowledge and practice of lifestyle modification among antenatal mothers with high risk attending OPD, Jubilee Mission Medical College & Research Institute, Thrissur
- A study to assess the quality of life among postmenopausal women in selected wards of JMMC&RI, Thrissur
- A study to assess the effect of structured teaching programe on level of knowledge and skill of breast self examination among women in JMMC&RI, Thrissur
- A study to assess the effect of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge on iron deficiency anemia and prevention of anemia among adolescent girls in selected higher secondary school in Thrissur
- A Study to detect the Foetal Malnutrition among Neonates in maternity ward of Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur
- A study to assess the adequacy of steps followed in oral medication administration by nurses in selected wards of Jubilee Mission Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Thrissur
- A study to assess the effect of structured teaching programme on level of awareness regarding breast cancer among the female caretakers of patients in Gynecology ward in Jubilee Mission Medical College & Research Institute, Thrissur
- A study to assess the effect of structured teaching programme on preparation of girl child for menarche among mothers in Thrissur
- A study to assess knowledge regarding neonatal care among post natal mothers in post natal ward at Jubilee Mission Medical College Hospital, Thrissur
- A study to assess of the knowledge and practice of pregnant women to prevent anemia in Obstetrics and Gynecology Outpatient Department, Thrissur.
- A study to assess the knowledge regarding neonatal infection among postnatal mothers in postnatal ward in Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute at Jubilee Mission Medical College Hospital, Thrissur
- A study to determine the knowledge and practice of staff Nurses regarding care of Preterm Babies in Neonatal ICU and Postnatal Ward in selected hospital in Thrissur District, Kerala.
- A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding the level of knowledge on breast self examinations (BSE) among female care takers in selected wards of JMMC&RI, Thrissur.
- A study to assess the knowledge and practice on nursing care provided for neonates during photo therapy among staff nurses at Jubilee Mission Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Thrissur
- A study to assess the steps followed in admission procedures in Jubilee Mission Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Thrissur.
- A study to assess quality of life among post-menopausal women in Jubilee Mission Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Thrissur.
- A study to assess the knowledge and practice of primary caregivers regarding the care of neonates undergoing phototherapy in NICU at JMMC&RI, Thrissur
Departmental Research
- A study to assess the knowledge, practice and perceived barriers of screening among non-professional working women on prevention of cervical cancer in tertiary care hospital, Thrissur.
- A study to assess the perspective of E-learning among nursing students in selected nursing college Thrissur.
Research under process
- Lived birth experiences of primi mothers admitted in Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research institute ,Thrissur.
- A study to assess the effect of planned teaching programme on the level of knowledge and barriers regarding the use of menstrual cup among working women in JMMC&RI ,Thrissur.
UG Project
- A study to assess the effect of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge and skill among women in JMMC&RI
PG Project
- Effect of video assisted teaching on level of knowledge and attitude on human milk banking among women
- A study to assess the effect of progressive muscle relaxation on post cesarean section pain and quality of sleep and physical activity limitation
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