Medical Surgical Nursing

The Department of Medical Surgical Nursing is a broad specialty of nursing strive to transmit in depth knowledge related to adult health including geriatrics. The department strives to impart clinical skills in students to provide comprehensive care related to adult health nursing. The success of department depends on its team work and excellent communication.The staffs are highly qualified and dedicated to impart excellent knowledge to the students by using various teaching methodologies which enable the students to function as a nurse, educator, manager and researcher in the field of medical surgical nursing. The academic Programmes of the department include UG & PG in Nursing.
Medical Surgical Nursing Department strive to develop competent professionals to provide quality individualized nursing care who demonstrate excellence in nursing practice, education, administration and research.
The mission of Medical Surgical Nursing Department is to be the center of Excellence in nursing academics and research by providing value added innovative patient care to sustain and improve clinical outcomes & patient satisfaction.
- Accountability
- Compassion
- Collaboration
- Excellence
- Team work
At the end of the course students will be able to
- Provide nursing care based on nursing process in various disease conditions
- Demonstrate critical thinking skill in making decisions in all situations in order to provide quality care.
- Utilize the latest trends and technologies in providing health care.
- Demonstrate skills in teaching to individuals and groups in clinical settings.
- Practice within the frame work of code of ethics and professional conduct, and acceptable standards of practice within the legal boundaries.
- Participate effectively as a member of health team in health care delivery.
- Demonstrate leadership and managerial skills in health care settings.
- Conduct need based research studies in various settings and utilize the research findings to improve quality of care.
Message from HOD

"Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education" (Martin Luther King Jr).
I extend my heartfelt gratitude towards the team, the Medical Surgical Department of Jubilee Mission College of Nursing. A quality education can transform the student to an innovative leader in their career as well as in the Community. In this challenging era our teachers are doing wonderful,dedicated work to bring out the best in the students. We take our stand to possess the right skill and face the given challenges. We believe that, with excellence and dedicated work we reach the full potential to handle 16 subjects under our department.
It is the blessing of God and teamwork which helps us to inculcate values and quality education among our students which provides them the desire to succeed and become a self poise, self esteemed and a knowledgeable person. Effective teaching learning strategies and modern technologies are used to impart standardized Nursing education and practice.
In regard to Departmental research, Individual projects, group projects, UG and PG studies, all are in progress. I owe my sincere thanks to our department staff for their excellent cooperation and hard work to keep up the excellent teaching learning experience to our students. I wish you all the great success, prosperous and triumphant years ahead.
- Dr. Sr. Philo Resmi

Mrs. Jyothy Elizabeth John
Clinical Instructor
B.Sc. (N)

Subject Placement in Courses
Course | Subjects | Theory Hour | Practical Hour |
Ist Semester B.Sc. | 1. Applied Anatomy 2. Applied Physiology 3. Applied Sociology 4. Applied Psychology 5. Nursing Foundations I |
60 60 60 60 120 | - - - - 240 |
IInd Semester B.Sc. | 1. Applied Biochemistry 2. Applied Nutrition and Dietetics 3. Nursing Foundations II 4. Health/Nursing Informatics & Technology |
40 60 120 40 | - - 440 40 |
IIIrd Semester B.Sc. | 1. Applied Microbiology and Infection Control including Safety 2. Pharmacology I 3. Pathology I 4. Adult Health (Medical Surgical) Nursing I with integrated Pathophysiology |
40 20 20 140 | 40 - - 520 |
IVth Semester B.Sc. | 1. Pharmacology II 2. Pathology II & Genetics 3. Adult Health Nursing II with Integrated pathophysiology including Geriatric Nursing 4. Professionalism, Professional Values & Ethics including Bioethics |
60 20 140 20 | - - 520 - |
IIIrd Year B.Sc. | Medical Surgical Nursing (Adult including Geriatrics - II) | 100 | 400 |
I M.Sc. | 1. Advanced Nursing Practice 2. Nursing Research and Statistics 3. Medical Surgical Nursing ‐ I |
150 150 150 | 500 100 900 |
II M.Sc. | 1. Medical Surgical Nursing II 2. Nursing Research (Dissertation) | 150 | 1450 300 |
Lab Facilities
Nursing Foundation Lab
We have well equipped lab with to practice various basic nursing procedures. It is designed to help the students to understand and develop skill in technique of nursing procedures and practice them in clinical setting.

Nursing Foundation Lab is equipped with :
- 4 dummies with all types of ostomies
- Oxygen Cylinder
- Skeleton, bones
- CCU Model
- Varieties of equipments for skill practices
- Nebulizer
- Pulse Oxymeter
- Emergency
- Charts
Advanced Nursing Skill Lab

The advance skill lab provide hands on learning experiences specific to various nursing procedures. This have simulators to practice advanced nursing procedures including the life saving measures like CPR, mechanical ventilator, equipments for airway management, suction Apparatus, IV Cannulation manikin, Breast self examination manikin, models and charts, etc.
- 3 Research projects are funded by KSCSTE in the year 2021 & 2022
Faculty Achievements in 2020-2021
- Dr. Angela Gnanadurai received ASIA-GCC Awards for Excellence and Leadership.
- Dr. Angela Gnanadurai holding leadership role in international association of Nueroscience Nursing
- Dr. Sr. Philo Resmi has been nominated as PG Board of studies member in KUHS
Certificate Program
- Mrs. Sheeja Sebastian, Assistant Professor, has completed KUHS ToT programme in online education system management (MOODLE) in 2020
- Mrs. Neethu Jose has completed KUHS certificate program on Health Science Education Technology in 2018
- Mrs. Sheeja Sebastian has completed KUHS certificate program on Research Methodology in 2018.
Ph.D. Guideship
- Dr. Angela Gnanadurai guiding a total of 8 Ph.D. scholars under KUHS and INC Consortium
- Dr. Sr. Philo Resmi is co-guiding Ph.D scholars under KUHS
Contribution of Faculty towards College
- Dr. Sr. Philo Resmi contributed Academic manual, and under her guidance the institution achieved QAS A grade from KUHS
- Ms. Neethu Jose designed Add-on Courses on Hospital Infection Control and prevention, and Certificate course in Forensic Nursing
- Sr. Betty Ann designed Geriatric Club activities
Extension Activities

2016- 2017
- Dr. Sr. Philo Resmi. Quality of Work Life of Nurses and its Impact on their Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2016 Oct-Dec;4(4):345-348.
- Dr. Sr. Philo Resmi. Donate Organs, Save Lives. Health Action. 2016 Nov; 29(11):7-8
- Sr. Merly, Angela Gnanadurai. Knowledge and Attitude of Nursing Personnel and Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) Regarding Prevention of Female Foeticide in Faridabad, Haryana. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2016 Jan-Mar;6(1):127-132.
- Sr. Merly, Angela Gnanadurai. Female Foeticide. Health Action. 2016 April;30(4):30-31
- Ramya K R. Nurses Perception of Patient Safety Culture in Operating Room. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2017 Jan-Mch;5(1):59-63
- Ramya K R, Havilah Elizabeth Kurian. Nurse's and Patient's Perception of Nurse Caring Behaviors in Cardio Thoracic Setting. Journal of Hospital Administration. 2017;1(2):51-55
- Neethu Jose. Medications Errors: Don't Let them happen to you. Indian Journal of surgical Nursing. 2016 Jan-Apr;5(1):27-31.
- Ramya K R. Behavioral Risk Factors of Coronary Artery Disease among Adolescents of Kerala. International Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2017 May - Aug 3(2):81-87.
- Ramya K R. Behavioral Risk Factors of Coronary Artery Disease among Adolescents of Kerala. International Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2017 May - Agt;3(2):81-87.
- Havilah Elizabeth Kurian, Ramya K R. Quality of Work Life and its Associated Factors among Nurses Working in a Tertiary Care Hospital,South India. Indian Journal of Hospital Administration. 2017 July - Dec;1(2):65-71.
- Ramya K R, Havilah Elizabeth Kurian. Knowledge of Medio - Legal Aspects of patient Care among Nurses Working in Cardiothoracic Setting. International Journal of Pediatric Nursing.2017 May - Aug; 3(2):97-100.
- Sheeja Sebastian & Neethu Jose. Leadless Intracardiac Transcatheter Pacing System. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2017 Jan-Mar;7(1):133-135.
- Ramya K R. Application of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Improving Patient Safety Culture. International Journal of Advances in Nursing management. 2017; 5(4):367-371.
- Neethu Jose. Vaccine Administration - Part III. Nursing Digest. 2017 Jul-Sept;5(3):76-83
- Neethu Jose. Vaccine Administration - Part II. Nursing Digest. 2017 Apr-Jun;5(2):55-58
- Neethu Jose. Vaccine Administration. Nursing Digest. 2017 Jan-Mar;5(1):13-19
- Neethu Jose. Stem Cell Therapy. International Journal of Immunological Nursing. 2017 Jul-Dec; 3(2):32-44
- Neethu Jose, Jayesh K Joseph. Neurocriminology. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2017 Jan-Mar; 5(1):108-114
- Angela Gnanadurai. (2018). Kerala flood: A situational experience and response. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 19(2), 35.
- Neethu Jose. Severity Scoring Systems in Intensive Care: A Clinical Review. Indian Journal of Surgical Nursing. 2018 Jan-Apr;7(1):18-22.
- Ramya K R. Leadless pacemakers: Future of cardiac pacing. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2018;6(1):111-3.
- Ramya K R. Knowledge Regarding Coronary Artery Disease among School Going Adolescents. International Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2108;4(1):11-15.
- Ramya K R. Screen Time Behaviours among School going Adolescents Residing in a Selected District, Kerala. International Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2018;4(2):117-123.
- Ramya K R. Determination of the Patient Safety Culture Among Nurses Working in a Tertiary Care Hospital South India. Journal of Hospital Administration.2018;2(1):22-30.
- Ramya K R. Physical Activity and Dietary Pattern Among Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Journal of Hospital Administration. 2018;2(1):5-11.
- Jancy J. Effect of cold needle on perception of pain during Intra Muscular Injection. Asian Jornal of Nursing Education and Research. 2019; 9(4):483-487.
- Padmakumar K, Isaac N J, Kuttichira Praveenlal. Gnanadurai Angela Profile of Burns cases among children treated at a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Health Research and Medico Legal Practice (IJHRMLP). 2019 Jan:5(1):23-26.
- Rincy PR, Gnanadurai A, Philo Resmi R. Effect of Pre-procedural Teaching on level of knowledge and Anxiety among patients undergoing Cardiac Catheterization. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2019;7(2):139-42.
- Anila James. Effect of Valsalva maneuver on perception of pain during Intravenous (IV) Cannulation. International Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2019; 7(4): 493-496.
- Angela Gnanadurai. Critical Care Nursing Clinics. Critical Care Nursing in India. 2020;32(4).
- Sheeja Sebastian, Sr. Philo Resmi, Neethu Jose. Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO). Indian Journal of Surgical Nursing. 2020;9(2):85-89.
- Ramya K R, Neethu Jose, Preparation and Setting of a Question Paper. RFP Journal of Hospital Administration. 2020;4(1):50-52.
- Princy Francis M, Angela Gnanadurai, Philo Resmi, Bino Benjamin. Effect of Video Assisted Teaching on Knowledge and Practice in Prevention of Recurrence of Myocardial Infarction among Post Coronary Angioplasty Patients.International Journal of Nursing Education. 2020;12(1):41-45.
- Jose N, Philo Resmi and Sebastian S. Knowledge and Obstacles Perceived by Critical Care Nurses inEndo-tracheal and Tracheostomy Suctioning. International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research. 2021 August;8(8):a616-a628.
- Jesna Joy K, Dr. Sr. Philo Resmi, Dr. Angela Gnanadurai, Dr. Anand M K. Effect of Video assisted teaching on knowledge and practice for prevention of Hypertensive renal diseases among patients with hypertension. International Journal of Advances Nursing Management.. 2021 April – June;9(2):216-221.
- Dr. Shaberabanu M, Dr. Angela Gnanadurai. Effectiveness of counselling in reducing stress and improving self-esteem of women during menopausal period in selected villages at Sivagangai district. International Journal of Advance Research in Community Health Nursing .2022 July -December;4(2):73- 76.
- Veena R Nair, Dr. Angela Gnanadurai. Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Regarding Transgender Health Care - A pilot study from Kerala. IDC International Journal .2022 November - January ;10(1): l-4.
- Neethu Jose, Ramya Kundayi Ravi and Sheeja Sebastian. Designing and Development of a Nursing Care Plan Based on Johnson's Behavioural Model in Patient with Carcinoma of Larynx: A Case study. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 2022 February;34(11 B):8-1
- Mrs. Veena R Nair, Dr. Angela Gnanadurai. TRANSGENDER HEALTHCARE- NURSES ROLE International Journal of Scientific Development and Research.2023, February ;8(2) :875- 877.
- Devakirubai Earnest, Angela Gnanadurai. Exploring the Concept of Good Death among the Terminally II Patients. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education.2022 July - December:23(2) :179 - 183.
- Jernl Joji, Jolitta Joy, Mariya Johny, Mary Hamlet, Rini P. S, Siya Saji, Sukanya V, Titty Scaria, Sona Anto, Anila James, Sr. Philo Resmi, Angela Gnanadurai A Study to assess the effect of Structured Teaching Programme on the level of knowledge and practice on administration of Insulin among Diabetic patients and their caregivers admitted in Jubilee Mission Medica! College and Research Institute, Thrissur. International Journal of Advance in Nursing Management.2022 October December; 10(4):334-338.
- Anagha PS, Anagha Sudheesh, Anjali PJ, Femy Paul, Haritha T V. Helna Jose. Jomol K J, Libitha Thomas, Anila James, Sr. Philo Reshmi, Angela Gnanadurai. A Study to assess the effect of Structured Teaching Program on Level of Knowledge regarding selected aspects of Home Care Management among patients undergoing Haemodialysis in Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur. International Journal of Advance in Nursing Management .2022 October - December: 10(4):1 -6
- Knowledge attitude and misconception regarding organ donation, Vol 12 No 2 (2023): DOI: https://do1.0rg 10.24321/2278.2044.202332 Chettinad Health City Medical Journal. Jose N, Joseph JK, Sebastian S
- Knowledge, acceptability and use of menstrual cup among female police trainees, Kerala, South India. Bulletin of Environment. 11[10] September 2022 Pharmacology and Life Sciences. Vol 11[10] 78-82.URL:http://www.bepls. com. Neethu Jose. Jayesh K Joseph, Sheeja Sebastian
- Evaluation of the Cardiovascular Risk Profile of Catholic Priests During Health Checkups at a Tertiary Hospital in Kerala, India: Pastoral Psychology, March 2023, Sheeja Sebastian, Govindan Unni T, Kumudam Unni
Research Under Process
- A study to assess the awareness on cancer prevention among patients admitted in selected wards of JMMCRI, Thrissur
- A study to assess the knowledge regarding coronary artery disease among diabetic patients in JMMCRI, Thrissur
Research - PG : 2020-21
- Effect of Burger Allen Exercise on foot perfusion among patients with Type II diabetic mellitus.
- Effect of educational intervention on level of knowledge and anxiety among patients undergoing Hyper Baric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
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