Alumni Activities

1Hyperbaric Oxygen TherapySeminar05-08-2014
2Trends in Anaesthesia : Nursing PerspectiveSeminar15-08-2015
3Safe Practices on PhlebotomyWorkshop19-08-2016
4Neglected Areas in Nursing : A Reflection to Novice and ExpertsWorkshop15-07-2017
5Recognizing and addressing ethical issues and moral distress in nursing practice : Need for the hourWorkshop17-08-2018
6Road to excellence in nursing service : Need for the hourWorkshop17-07-2019
7Career ReflexionAlumni Sharing09-01-2020
8Equipping Nurses for excellence in Ventilator care : A DemonstrationWebinar17-07-2020
9Sharing Experience on Covid 19 by Alumni of different countriesAlumni Sharing09-01-2021
10Post covid syndrome : A long Battle with after effectsWebinar16-07-2021
11Hyperbaric Oxygen TherapySeminar05-08-2014
12Trends in Anaesthesia : Nursing Perspective Seminar15-08-2015
13Safe Practices on Phlebotomy Workshop 19/08/2016
14Workshop on Neglected areas in nursing :A Reflection to Novice and expertsWorkshop15/07/2017
15Workshop on Recognizing and addressing ethical issues and moral distress in nursing practice : Need for the hour Workshop17/07/2018
16A Road To Excellence In Nursing Service: Need For The Hour Workshop 17/07/2019
17Career ReflectionAlumni sharing09/01/2020
18Webinar on Equipping for nurses for excellence in ventilator care :A demonstrationWebinar17/07/2020
19Career ReflectionAlumni sharing18/01/21
20Post covid syndrome: A long battle with after effectsWebinar16/07/2021
21Career ReflectionAlumni sharing22/01/22
22Current trends in gastroenterology and hepatologyWebinar15/07/2022
23Career Reflection Alumni sharing03//03/2023
24Career ReflectionAlumni sharing04/05/2023
25Tactics to tune patient safetyWorkshop17/08/2023
26Alumni SharingAlumni sharing19/02/2024
27Career ReflectionAlumni sharing26/03/2024