Paediatric Nursing

The department of child health nursing came into existence in 2005 under the leadership of Ms. Deepa K Damodharan, Professor and later in 2012 headed by Rev. Sr. Tresa Anto CHF. Child Health Nursing comprises the study of children and their disease aspects. The subject helps in acquiring a great insight into child behaviour, the way they develop, their needs, modern concepts of child care, impact of hospitalization on the child and family, the needs of normal children through the stages of developmental and parental guidance, nursing management in common childhood diseases, management of behavioural and social problems in children, and welfare services for challenged children and an in-depth understanding of the child health nursing. The department offers M.Sc. (N) in child health nursing. The department also offers child health nursing course for V th&,VI th semester B.Sc. (N) students, as well as coordinate nursing education for both UG and PG students and Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto is guiding 7 Part Time scholars under KUHS.
Prepare as global paediatric nurse through teaching, researching, promoting and addressing issues in child health and child rights.
Transform the students to a skilled pediatric nurse as a educator, administrator, researcher and health care provider to help every child live the healthiest and most fulfilling life possible with in-depth knowledge, skill and right attitude.
Core Values
- Respect
- Compassion
- Integrity
- Team work
Message from HOD

Paediatric nursing truly represents the most challenging and exciting area in nursing care. Taking care of children in their sickness is an art. The 21st century demands us to inculcate the true aspect of nursing as an art and science. Child health nursing provides the opportunity to understand the core of art and science of nursing from the infancy to adolescence. Child health nursing forms a natural bridge to other specialties such as psychology, sociology, psychiatry and maternity. Within the department, students experience the depth of child-health nursing in the clinics, classroom, laboratory, and in the field. We have vibrant and dedicated faculty, committed to excellence in education, and are proud of the outstanding students and dedicated staff who make this possible. Students are actively engaged in projects under the guidance of expert faculties in the department. It is an exciting time to be a child health nurse educator especially in jubilee mission college of nursing paediatric nursing truly represents the most challenging and exciting area in nursing care. Taking care of children in their sickness is an art. The 21st century demands us to inculcate the true aspect of nursing as an art and science. Child health nursing provides the opportunity to understand the core of art and science of nursing from the infancy to adolescence. Child health nursing forms a natural bridge to other specialties such as psychology, sociology, psychiatry and maternity. Within the department, students experience the depth of child-health nursing in the clinics, classroom, laboratory, and in the field. We have vibrant and dedicated faculty, committed to excellence in education, and are proud of the outstanding students and dedicated staff who make this possible. Students are actively engaged in projects under the guidance of expert faculties in the department. It is an exciting time to be a child health nurse educator especially in jubilee Mission College of nursing.
- Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto CHF
Details of the Course
SINo. | Placement | Courses | Theory Hour | Practical Hour |
1 | Vth Semester B.Sc. (N) | Paediatric Nursing - I | 100 | 160 |
2 | Vth Semester B.Sc. (N) | Nursing Education | 40 | 40 |
3 | VIth Semester B.Sc. (N) | Paediatric Nursing - II | 40 | 80 |
4 | IVth Semester B.Sc. (N) | Nursing Education | 80 | 120 |
5 | Ist Semester M.Sc. (N) | Paediatric Nursing - I | 150 | 900 |
6 | Ist Semester M.Sc. (N) | Nursing Education | 150 | 150 |
7 | IInd Semester M.Sc. (N) | Paediatric Nursing - II | 150 | 1450 |

Lab Facilities
Well equipped lab with
- Dummies with different ostomises
- CPR manniquins
- Varieties of instruments for skill practices
- Charts
- Models
- Play materials for different age group
- Emergency equipments in paediatrics

Student Achievements
- Department of Paediatric Nursing is proud of Ms. Rakhi Das (2018-2020 Batch) for achieving First Rank in M.Sc. (N) Child Health Nursing, Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) in the year 2020-21.
- 100% results in paediatrics and Nursing education in 2022-2023
Faculty Achievements
- Honoured faculty for 100% results and University rank in 2020-2021,Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto received the certificates.
- Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto selected as NAAC and KUHS-QAS Assessor.
- Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto selected as KUHS and KNMC inspector.
- Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto received Certificate of excellence in reviewing scientific articles from international journal of paediatrics, Asian journal of food research and nutrition, Journal of pharmaceutical research international and advances in research journal.
Certificate Program
- Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto has completed KUHS MOOC-certificate program on health science education technology in 2021.
- Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto has completed KUHS-QAS and NAAC Assessor Training
- Ms. Jaicy John has completed INC capacity building program for midwifery in 2020.
Ph.D. Guideship
Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto is guiding 7 scholars under KUHS.

Official Auditing is conducted by external and internal experts as per planned schedule.
Contribution of Faculty towards College

- Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto was the 1st Cycle IQAC coordinator for the year 2017-2023; under her guidance JMCON achieved B++ grade from NAAC.
- Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto contributed Clinical manual, Faculty diary, Quality manual for the college.
- Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto coordinated Covid digital magazine.
- Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto selected as Ph.D. guide in Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS).
- Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto selected as Associate Editor for :
International journal of nursing and health care
International journal of paediatric nursing
International journal of nursing science practice & research - Ms. Jaicy John designed Yoga add-on course
- Ms.Suja designed Bioethics add-on course
- The College Anthem was introduced in the year 2007.Both music and lyrics were composed by 3rd Batch BSc (N) students under the leadership of Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto.
- Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto was the 1st PTA Secretary of JMCON. Marching Band instruments purchased and inaugurated with support of 1st PTA in the year 2007.
Children's Day - November 2023
The Paediatric Nursing department and students of third year B.Sc. Nursing organized Children's Day programme on November 18-11-2023. The programme was organized by Ms. Suja & Ms. Jaicy. Third year B.Sc. (N) students (49 students) conducted classes for children residing in the neraby. Total 20 participants were there. Health teaching was conducted regarding personal hygeine. The session was interactive. Fungames were organized and children enthusistically participitaed. The program ended at 1:00 PM

Nurses day celebration 2023
International Nurses day was celebrated on 08.05.2023 in collaboration with Jubilee Mission School of Nursing. Programm started at 2pm with prayer song. Dr.Angela Gnanadurai welcome the gathering. Fr. Renny Mundenkurian, give the presidential address. Mrs. Thanka K T, Retired Principal, Government School of Nursing, Thrissur gave the nurses day message and Rev.Fr. Shijo Mapranathukaran & Dr. Sr.Tresa Anto felicitated in this program. Sr. Regi Augustine delivered the vote of thanks. Followed by the official function Bsc(N) IV year students unfolded the theme through flashmob and GNM students did the theme presentation. Program concluded at 4pm.

Girl Child Day Celebration
As part of international girl child day, Paediatric department of Jubilee Mision College of Nursing released a short informative video on 11/10/2023 for amplify girls voices and recommit to working together to build a world where every girl can lead and thrive

Visit to Special School
As part of Interdepartmental Collaborations, we had one day observational visit to a special school "pope Paul Mercy Home", Peringadoor on 27th September 2023 along with Sr. Dhanya, HOD, Dept of Psychiatric Nursing and Ms. Jaicy John, AsstProfessor, Dept of Paediatric Nursing and Third year B.Sc. Nursing students from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The objective of the posting was to acquire knowledge regarding various assessment methods, management and rehabilitation of mentally handicapped children at special school.

Visit to Sree Chitra (SCTIMST), Thiruvananthapuram
As a part of M.Sc. (N) II Year Clinical Speciality (Paediatric Nursing) posting, we had a clinical observation posting to Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST), Thiruvananthapuram from 11-07-2022 to 23-07-2022. Three M.Sc. Nursing students (Paediatric Nursing & Medical Surgical Nursing) visisted the institution.
Number of papers published by the faculty with details:
- Sr. Tresa Anto, Ambika V V, Anu K S, Jenny James - A study to assess the knowledge and attitude of adolescents regarding dietary precautions for the prevention of obesity in selected school at Thrissur - Nepal Journal of Epidemiology 2014; 4(2)
- Sr. Tresa Anto, Dr. Rajeev Kumar N - Effect of sleep duration on obesity and the glycemic level in patients with Type II diabetes - Research; 4(4) October - December 2014
- Sr. Tresa Anto, Dr. Rajeev Kumar N - Sleep loss risk factor for Type II diabetes - Health Action - March 2015
- Sr. Godwin, Sr. Tresa Anto - Defining genetically modified foods - Health Action - May 2015
- Sr. Tresa Anto, Dr. Rajeev Kumar N - Impact of yoga and raw diet on sleep quality, glycemic level and anthropometric measurement of prediabetic patients. - International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management; Vol:4; No:1; January - March 2016
- Sr. Tresa Anto, Dr. Rajeev Kumar N - Effect of yoga and raw diet on physiological variables and quality of life of pre-diabetic patients. - International Journal of Nursing Education 2016; 8(2); 175-9
- Sr. Tresa Anto, Sr. Godwin - Disordered breathing and the regulation of glucose metabolism - Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research 2016; 4(1):78-80
- Anto T - Hypothalamo - Pituitary - Adrenal (HPA) axis and diabetes. - International Journal of Nursing Education and Research.2016; 4(3):393-5.
- Sunil A, Gnanadurai A, Anto T - Effect of video teaching on knowledge in prevention and management of selected mosquito borne fever among mothers of children. - Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2017; 7(1):35
- Sr. Anto T - Psychosocial challenges of orofacial cleft nurs - health care int j2017, 1(5): 1(5): 000127
- Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto - Family Quality of Life (FQOL) of parents of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities enrolled in private mental Retardation School at Thrissur - International Journal of Nursing Education & Research (IJNER) Vol. 6 Issue 2, April - June 2018
- Sr. Tresa Anto - Diet changes lives - Joj nurse health care. 2018; 7(5): 555725.Doi:10.19080/jojnhc.2018.07.555725
- Sr. Tresa Anto - Behold and empower - Nursing and Health Care International Journal, Vol 3, Issue 1 - Feb 18, 2019
- Rinu Lukose, Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto, Dr. Angela G, Suja Ann Joseph, Jaicy John - Effect of post operative feeding technique orientation among mothers of children undergoing orofacial cleft surgery - International Journal of Paediatric Nursing - Journal pub. 2019
- Rakhi das, Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto, Dr. Angela Gnanadurai, Dr. Aparna Namboodiripad, Ms. Jaicy John - Effect of instructional training package on level of knowledge and practice among primary school teachers regarding identification and management of selected learning disabilities in children. - International Journal of Nursing Education and Research - 2021 April - June; 9(2):156-160
- Anjana Gopalakrishnan, Anju Anto, Anju Paul, Ann Mariya P.R., Neena Biju, Neethu Antony, Rose Mary Varghese, Thasni R. A, Mrs. Suja Ann Joseph,Dr. Sr. Treesa Anto,Dr. Angela Gnanadurai . Parental Perception on Sleep Habit among the Children in Pediatric Ward and OPD of Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur . International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management .2021October-December;9(4):379-382.
- Pamitha Elizabeth Baby,Dr.Sr.Tresa Anto The Effect of Virtual Reality – Headmounted Display in Autism Spectrum Disorder -A systematic review- Paripex. - Indian Journal of Research-2022
- Ms Bincy Mathew, Dr (Sr) Tresa Anto, Prof Reena ,psychometric analysis of research tools, a concept paper 2023. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) November 2023, Volume 10, Issue 4
Research Under Process
Research - PG: 2023-24
- Effect of video teaching on knowledge in prevention and management of selected mosquito borne fever among mothers of children - Ansa Sunil (Child Health Nursing)
- Effect of skill orientation on knowledge and practice of post operative feeding technique among mothers of children admitted for orofacial cleft surgery - Rinu N Lukose (Child Health Nursing)
- Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and practice regarding first aid management of selected minor injuries among adolescents - Riny Joys, Child Health Nursing
- Effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge and practice regading atraumatic nursing care of hospitalised children among staff nurses in pediatric ward - Clair Mathew, Child Health Nursing
- Efficacy of Non-Pharmacological Measures on Knowledge and Practice of Pre-menstrual syndrome among Adolescents- Baby Rani V, Child Health Nursing
- Effect of Distraction Therapy on pain among Toddlers during Venipuncture procedure- Naijil George, Child Health Nursing
- Effect of instructional Training package on level of knowledge and practice among Primary School Teachers regarding Identification and Management of selected Learning Disabilities in Children- Rakhi Das, Child Health Nursing
- Effect of positive discipline programme on knowledge and attitude among parents of preschool children (3-5 years)- Rainy Jose, Child Health Nursing
- Effect of Postoperative Bundle care on knowledge and practice of care of children undergoing Orofacial Surgery among mothers of children with Cleft Lip and Palate- Bini Joseph
Research - UG: 2023-24
- A Study to assess the healthcare satisfaction among Caretakers of Newborn admitted in NICU and Postnatal wards of JMMC & RI , Thrissur -Alphy Joji & others
- A study to assess the parental perception of pain and child distress during invasive procedure among children undergone invasive procedures within past six months in selected areas of thrissur district - Aleena Reji ,Angel Joy V, Della Davis C, Dinla Davis, Diya Paul P, Fathima Sherin K N, Jomcy Johnson, Vismaya Maliekal (Child Health Nursing)
- A study to assess the parental perception on sleep habit among the children in pediatric ward and OPD of Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute - Thrissur - Anjana Gopalakrishnan, Anju Anto, Anju Paul, Ann Mariya P R, Neena Biju, Neethu Antony, Rose Mery Varghese, Thasni R A (Child Health Nursing)
- A study to assess the satisfaction of parents in the quality of nursing care rendered to the children admitted in the pediatric medical wards of Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute - Thrissur - Riya Raju, Roushida P K, Saranya Jayan T, Seethal Raphel, Sibile Sacaria (Child Health Nursing)
- A Study to Assess the Adequacy of care Given for Children Understanding Radiological Studies in Pediatric Wards of Jubilee Mission medical College Hospital and Research Institute - Thrissur - Elsa C A, Fejil C Joseph, Finsy Francis N, Frieda Varghese, Havly Tony, Helan John, Jeni Jose, Jilsa Joseph K (Child Health Nursing)
- A Study to Detect the Foetal Malnutrition Among Neonates in maternity Ward of Jubilee Mission medical College and Reserach Institute - Thrissur - Jincy Jose, Jismy Sabu, Joice Mathew, Josy K J, Krishnendu K M, Lakshmipriya Dharman, Mariya Josraj P, Mariya Shaji (Child Health Nursing)
- A Study to Detect the Foetal Malnutrition Among Neonates in maternity Ward of Jubilee Mission medical College and Reserach Institute - Thrissur - Jincy Jose, Jismy Sabu, Joice Mathew, Josy K J, Krishnendu K M, Lakshmipriya Dharman, Mariya Josraj P, Mariya Shaji (Child Health Nursing)
- A comparitive study to assess the gender differences in toy preference and pattern among young children admitted in paediatric wards of Jubilee Mission Medical College and Reserach Institute - Thrissur - Gilssa Varghese & others (Child Health Nursing)
- A study to assess the knowledge and practice of primary caregivers regarding the care of neonates undergoing phisiotherapy in NICU at JMMC & RI - Thrissur - Nicy Anto & others (Child Health Nursing)
- A study to assess the effect of kaleidoscope on pain during selected invasive procedure among school age children in Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute – Thrissur - Joshna V J & others (Child Health Nursing)
- Experienced faculty with good retention ratio
- Smart class rooms &Technical support
- Facility for e- learning
- Faculty performed as reviewer &editorial board member in national &International Journals
- Faculty representatives in IQAC
- Eligible Faculty as QAS &NAAC Assessor.
- Availability of KUHS & KNMC Inspector.
- Less student pursue higher education
- Less involvement of Alumni
- No high fidelity Simulators in paediatric lab
- PhD centre with specialty Guide
- Possibilities for collaborative Research
- Cohesive environment
- Registered PhD scholars
- Keeping pace with rapid Changes in Higher education
- Generation of Resources for Upgradation of infrastructure
- Reinforce the use of Innovative teaching strategies
- Publication of research Studies in the indexed journals
- Prepare e-magazine
- Celebrate observance Days in collaboration With other organization
- Attend FDP on outcome based education
- Opportunity to attend Workshop for advance Learner students
- Publish chapters in book
- Maintain 100 % result in the Paediatric subject
- Organize lectures of Invited guest
- Strengthen the facilities in paediatric lab
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