Internal Complaints Committee

Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013

As per UGC Regulations 2015 and instructions from Honourable Supreme Court of India, the internal committee is constituted in the Institute to provide protection against workplace sexual harassment of female employees and students in the Campus to receive and redress grievances pertaining to workplace sexual harassment.

  • To develop a conducive environment in the campus.
  • Protection of the fundamental rights of a woman.
  • To provide a redressal mechanism for complaints relating to sexual harassment at the workplace.

Internal Complaint Committee members (ICC)

SlName of the membersDesignationPosition in the committeePhone No
1Ms. Sheeja SebastianAsso.Professor, Jubilee College of NursingPresiding Officer8893116514
2Ms. Jaisy JohnAssistant. Professor, Jubilee College of NursingMember9539074736
3Ms. Siji JoseTutor – Jubilee School of NursingMember,Secretary9526011717
4Sr. MetildaNursing Superintendent, Jubilee mission hospitalMember7034421838
5Ms. Bency JoyNon teaching staff, Jubilee College of NursingMember9747788010
6Ms. Ruby DavisNon teaching staff, Jubilee College of NursingMember9946431439
7Ms. Annet K LonappanB.Sc (N)student representative, Jubilee College of NursingMember9074877591
8Ms. Soly EarnestPhD Scholar, Jubilee College of NursingMember9446332487
9Delvi Mariya .VGNM student representative, Jubilee School of NursingMember6238136200
10Nambadan Jasmine Jose NMSC (N) STUDENT REPRESENTIVEMember9061458804

Frequency of meeting : Once in 6 months and as need arises


  • An aggrieved person is required to submit a written complaint to the ICC by sending an email to within three months from the date of the incident by mentioning the details of the incident including the dates, timings and locations; name of the respondent(s), witnenesses and evidences if any.
  • On receipt of the complaint, the committee members will review the incident and conduct an inquiry and submit the report within stipulated time.
  • If the allegations against the accused are proved, then the committee shall take the recommend action as per legal provisions
  • The committee will maintain confidentiality of the entire proceedings.
  • ICC meeting should be Conducted half yearly to review the efficacy and implementation of antisexual harassment policy.
  • The term of office of the members of ICC shall be for a period of three years

Guidelines for Internal Complaint Committee

Help Line Number Phone : 8893116514,     E-mail: