Students Support and Guidance Programme (SSGP)

Student support and guidance programme is a recommended programme by Kerala University of Health Sciences. The trained nodal officers available in the college helps to address the problems faced by the students during the initial period of their course and help them to attain proper intervention on it. The main aim of our support and guidance service cell is to encourage students in academic, social, emotional and personal developments.

  • To focus holistic development of student by addressing their issues related to academic, psycho-social and health.
  • To improve overall performance of the student.
Programme Advisory Committee
Sl.NameDesignationDesignation in the Committee
1Dr. Angela GnanaduraiPrincipalChairperson
2Fr. Joyson CheruvathurAsst. DirectorManagement representative
3Dr. Sr. PhiloresmiVice Principal (Academic)Member
4Dr. Sr. Tresa AntoVice Principal (Clinical)Member
5Mrs. Reena VincentProfessorMember, Secretary
6Mrs. Seeja JacobAsst. ProfessorMember
7Mrs Shibi P GeorgeClinical InstructorNodal Officer
8Mr. Babu K DPTA PresidentMember
9B.Sc (N) I year studentStudent RepresentativeMember